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Incredible pictures show ‘fire rainbow’ in Folkestone sky

Incredible pictures show how a “spectacular” natural phenomenon occurred in the sky over a Kent town.

A ‘fire rainbow’ or ‘circumhorizontal arc’ was captured on camera in Folkestone yesterday.

'Fire rainbows', as seen in Folkestone, happen when sunlight bounces off ice crystals in the atmosphere. Picture: Mishi Millward
'Fire rainbows', as seen in Folkestone, happen when sunlight bounces off ice crystals in the atmosphere. Picture: Mishi Millward
A 'fire rainbow' was spotted over Folkestone at the weekend. Picture: Cathy Faulkner
A 'fire rainbow' was spotted over Folkestone at the weekend. Picture: Cathy Faulkner

Characterised by small colourful clouds, it happens when sunlight bounces off ice crystals floating in the atmosphere.

They are rarely seen in the UK, but are relatively common in the US.

Mishi Millward spotted the clouds whilst out in the car.

She told KentOnline: “I was driving at the time and just had to pull over numerous times to photograph them.

“What a spectacular sight it was! My kids were in awe too.”

The 'fire rainbow', which are rarely seen in the UK, was captured on camera in Folkestone. Picture: Mishi Millward
The 'fire rainbow', which are rarely seen in the UK, was captured on camera in Folkestone. Picture: Mishi Millward
The "spectacular" fire rainbow was seen over Folkestone. Picture: Mishi Millward
The "spectacular" fire rainbow was seen over Folkestone. Picture: Mishi Millward

She saw them at about 12.45pm, and witnessed them change colour gradually.

A similar phenomenon was spotted nearby in Westgate-on-Sea back in June last year.

The term ‘fire rainbow’ is regarded as misleading, since they are not rainbows and have nothing to do with fire.

Circumhorizontal arcs are often confused with cloud iridescence or “sun dogs”. The latter is is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one or both sides of the sun

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