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A landlady has taken the decision to ban under 21s from her pub after having to throw a crowd of youngsters out on the first day of opening indoors.
From yesterday, new government guidelines mean restaurants, bars and pubs can welcome customers back inside to enjoy a meal or drink.
Other venues, such as cinemas and museums, have also reopened.
But Fiona Neaves, who runs the East Kent Arms in Folkestone town centre, says the behaviour of certain youngsters have left her with no choice but to stop serving them from this Friday.
She said: "As of this Friday, May 21 we will only be allowing 21s and over. Passports or photo ID will need to be shown.
"It is because it tends to be the youngsters who are not behaving.
"We were busy last night and it was good, but we had to throw around nine youngsters out. You have to constantly remind them to wear their masks, and then they get mouthy. It can be quite scary.
"My staff are fed up with it. I have two sons and I would hate to think they aren't listening or being respectful.
"It's a shame, because obviously some do behave, so it ruins it for the rest of them."
Earlier this month, The Bell pub in Hythe also announced it has stopped serving under 21s after 'multiple Covid breaches'.
Ms Neaves now believes more pubs could make the same decision.
She said: "We reckon other pubs will go the same way.
"We're going to try over 21s first but if that doesn't work we will go up to 25.
"We will be very strict."
Ms Neaves says families with children will still be welcome, between the hours of 11am and 6pm.