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Council staff tracked down a man to his London home after he twice dumped litter in Folkestone.
Rubbish consisting of a chopping board, barbecue, newspaper, take away boxes and Coke cans were left behind by a family on a day trip to the coast in Sandgate.
The first pile of waste was left behind on the beach, before the man left more litter by his car.
A witness reported the anti social behaviour to Folkestone and Hythe District Council, and its officers managed to hunt the man down to an address in the capital.
He was issued with two fixed penalty notices, totalling £400.
Both have now been paid.
The authority is now issuing a warning to visitors to put rubbish in bins, or take it home.
A spokesman for the council said: "We recently issued two fixed penalty notices to a man after he and his family left their rubbish behind on the beach in Sandgate - before dumping more next to his parked car.
"A witness provided information about the incidents and our officers tracked him down to a London address.
"He was issued - and has now paid - FPNs totalling £400 for fly-tipping and littering.
"Litter spoils our environment for all. Either put it in the nearest empty bin or take it home with you.
"Don’t leave bags next to the bins for the seagulls to rip open."