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An action plan demonstrating how government house building targets will be met has been produced by Gravesham council.
The plan has been drawn up after the government announced its Housing Delivery Test target for the previous three financial years has not been reached, which means the council must presume in favour of sustainable development when determining planning applications.
The Housing Delivery Test measurement for 2020, which looks at new homes built rather than planning permissions granted, showed that for 2018-2020, 731 of the 1,043 new homes required by government targets – less than 75% - were built in the borough.
As a result, the council must add an additional 20% land buffer to its five year land supply for housing; presume in favour of sustainable development when deciding on planning applications; and produce an action plan to show how it will meet Housing Delivery Test targets in future years.
The targets announced in December 2020 mean that as time progresses, the borough’s housing need for a three year period will rise from 1,043 new homes to 1,965.
Cllr John Burden, Leader of Gravesham Borough Council, said: “We find ourselves in an increasingly difficult and untenable position as a result of falling short of the government’s Housing Delivery Test targets and without being given the powers to force developers to deliver sites with planning permission.
“These housing targets are imposed on us by government, and while we do not agree with them we have no option but to plan to meet them.
“If the new homes aren’t built in the numbers required, the amount of unplanned and speculative development will increase, placing greater demands on the borough’s overstretched services and infrastructure. This could also result in planning decisions being taken away from elected members and local residents, and handed to government inspectors, removing all local decision making.”
Cllr Burden added the impact of the measures was already being felt when it came to determining planning applications.
He said: “On sites where we would have been quite prepared to take a stand against development, for example the former Battle of Britain pub in Northfleet, we now have to recognise that as the application meets the government’s requirement for the presumption of sustainable development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework; we have no option but to grant planning permission.
“If we don’t, we risk our local planning matters being handed over to the Planning Inspectorate who would without doubt release Green Belt sites not previously identified by ourselves for development to ensure targets are met.”
He added that while there were a number of substantial developments due for brownfield sites in the borough, there were not enough such sites to provide the five year land supply, adding: "All parts of the borough have their parts to play in identifying sites that enable us to achieve that.”