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Michael Blow jailed for dealing cocaine and leading police on a chase through Bluewater

By: Sean Axtell

Published: 10:00, 29 April 2019

Updated: 10:01, 29 April 2019

A drug dealer accused police of planting cocaine on him after leading them on a high speed chase.

Michael Blow, 20, also tried ramming a police car out the way after attempting to escape through the Bluewater shopping precinct.

The trainee mechanic then took off on foot and tried to ditch the cocaine wraps in view of police.

Michael Blow (9284838)

Recorder Alper Riza QC jailed Blow for 13 months on Friday for the offences on March 28 last year.

"One offence makes the other worse, you were driving (dangerously) because you had the drugs in the car," he said.


"Then you did something very very stupid, you tried to accuse the police officers of planting the drugs on you which is a very serious allegation.

"With the best will in the world I have to protect public safety - these are very serious offences.

"My only option is to impose an immediate custodial sentence."

Canterbury Crown Court heard officers scanned the ex-Longfield Academy pupil's Vauxhall Corsa in Gravesend and it flagged his fake number plates.

Blow drove the wrong way around a roundabout, broke a red light, and sped through Bluewater car park narrowly missing two pedestrians in the ensuing police chase, the court heard.

Michael Blow (9284836)

Prosecuting barrister Daniel Ramble said: "Police were on road patrol in Gravesend, they saw the defendant driving a Vauxhall Corsa and when they checked the plates they didn't match the vehicle.

"They started to follow him on the A2 slip road and they were heading towards London.


"The defendant exited the A2 at the Bluewater turn off, he quickly turned right in an effort to avoid the police car and increased his speed."

PC Robert Tyler said in a statement: "It then immediately took the bus lane, the Corsa drove the length of this road which ran alongside the bus depot, there were a number of pedestrians and the Corsa did not slow down.

"A male pedestrian with a young person had just crossed the road, he turned and kicked the car."

The court heard Blow then exited the wrong way around a roundabout and broke red lights into Moores Road.

Police brought the chase to an end by trapping Blow between the patrol car and an oncoming vehicle off Milton Street shortly after 3.30pm.

"With the best will in the world I have to protect public safety - these are very serious offences..." Recorder Alper Riza QC

"In a last desperate attempt he tried ramming the police car.

"The officers got out and there was a pursuit on foot," explained Mr Ramble.

He added PC Tyler watched Blow throwing away wraps of drugs with his right hand before officers caught him. He was found to be in possession of 14 grams of cocaine in 12 wraps. His phone also contained evidence of drug dealing, the court heard.

Mitigating, Jodie Woodward said Blow was of previous good character and made an "immature decision" being 19 at the time of the offence.

"He wanted to stop but just didn't feel like he could, he had an inner conflict," she said.

Blow pleaded guilty to dangerous driving at a previous hearing but denied possession with intent to supply cocaine, however, a jury ruled him guilty.

He will have 194 days deducted from his jail sentence after already being on police curfew and face a 5 year driving ban.

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