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Gravesend: Beaten springer spaniel Bruno finds happiness after being rescued by RSPCA

By: Suz Elvey

Published: 11:27, 04 July 2017

An RSPCA inspector was reduced to tears after discovering "the most petrified dog" she had ever seen in her life.

Adorable springer spaniel Bruno had a broken foot and his nose was split when he was discovered living in a garden in Gravesend in May last year.

He also had old injuries that led inspector Rosie Russon to believe the dog had been beaten throughout his whole life.

Faith Cotter said it was love at first sight with Bruno. Picture: RSPCA

Bruno was petrified around people and terrified when he heard even the slightest noise.

Inspector Russon said: “I have seen some heartbreaking sights and distressed animals in my time as an RSPCA inspector, but Bruno stood out as the most petrified dog I have ever seen in my life.


“I found him living in a back yard with inadequate shelter and no bedding, with a broken foot, and scars and injuries. Worst of all was his pitiful expression and the fact he was absolutely terrified of every person, every sound and everything.

Bruno was described as the most petrified dog the inspector had ever seen. Picture: RSPCA

“My impression is that he must have been systematically mistreated and beaten for a prolonged period of time to have been reduced to this state. It is not like me, but I was reduced to tears.”

Bruno was extremely nervous and so it took staff at the RSPCA Leybourne Animal Centre a long time to earn his trust.

A dedicated team devised a socialisation plan to help the pup gradually realise the new people around him would not harm him.

After a few months in the care of staff at Leybourne, the two-year-old had transformed into a confident, fun-loving dog and he has now found a new home.

Now Bruno loves to play. Picture: RSPCA

Inspector Russon said: “It gives me such joy to hear that after all the patient and wonderful work from the team at Leybourne he has overcome his fears and is finally living the happy life that any dog should.”

Bruno has found his forever home with Mark and Faith Cotter in north Kent.

The couple adopted Bruno last August and although things weren’t easy at first, Mr Cotter said Bruno has changed their lives for the better.

Bruno has made himself completely at home with his new family. Picture: RSPCA

He said: “He’s very calm now, which is a total change to when we first had him. We definitely had to earn his trust a little bit but it’s no surprise really.


“It’s just disgusting what some people do. When we heard about what happened to Bruno there were no words to describe how we felt.

“I’m just glad that his life has been changed around and he’s changed our life for the better in the process.”

The couple were looking for a rescue dog after their other two pets, Laddie a Yorkshire terrier and Saphie the Labrador, died.

He has gone from a scared, jumpy dog to a confident boy. Picture: RSPCA

Mr Cotter added: “We went six months without a dog but it wasn’t the same. There was something missing in our home.”

Now Bruno loves walks and playing with his many dog toys, enjoys spending time with his friend Max the Cavapoo and has lots of cuddles with Faith and Mark.

Mrs Cotter said it was love at first sight with Bruno and the pair knew immediately they wanted to rehome him.

She added: “As soon as we saw Bruno’s picture we knew he was the dog for us. He looked so sad, we just wanted to help him, and I’m so pleased we did.

“He took to us straight away and made himself completely at home. You wouldn’t know how terrifying his difficult beginnings were now. He has gone from a scared, jumpy dog that couldn't relax even when he was eating, to a confident boy who is not afraid to ask for a treat, run around and play with other dogs.

“He has made our house our home.”

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