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Higham man Clifford Pritchard jailed after scamming partially blind victim out of £20,000

By: Sean McPolin

Published: 11:17, 27 December 2019

Updated: 11:35, 27 December 2019

A Higham man has been jailed after a partially blind man was conned out of nearly £20,000 by rogue traders.

Forge Lane resident Clifford Pritchard was sentenced to 21 months in prison after he and five other men targeted a victim from Bournemouth more than two years ago.

Clifford Pritchard was jailed earlier this month. Picture: Dorset Police

The rogue traders first visited the victim, of Bearwood, Dorset, offering to clear the gutter on his roof for £65.

After the initial work they said there was more necessary to fix the roof, claiming there was rotting wood and a vermin problem.

The gang failed to provide any documentation, contracts or invoices which led to the victim, in his 40s, losing track of his finances.


Members of the group went with the man to his bank on several occasions to help him withdraw cash and in total he handed over £19,600.

Dorset Police was made aware of the incident after the victim's bank raised concerns and officers were sent to his address, where they seized a vehicle used by the rogue traders.

"This group repeatedly targeted a man they saw to be a susceptible victim, ruthlessly exploiting him for their own financial gain..." - Det Con Matt Cooke

Following the visit, officers installed covert CCTV cameras which captured Pritchard visiting with accomplice Tony Smith. He told the victim they needed to finish additional repairs which would cost £8,000 upfront or £6,500 if he paid immediately.

The pair attempted to pressurise the home-owner into handing out more cash, but he rang police while the duo were still at the address and officers soon arrived and arrested Pritchard.

The rogue traders visited the victim two more times in the same year, claiming they were owed compensation and attempted to get personal details from him.

Six men appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court earlier this month charged with conspiracy to defraud. They were sentenced on Monday, December 16.

John Ward, 57, of no fixed address, was sentenced to three years and four months, which will be served consecutively to a six-year jail term he is already subject to.

Upper left to right: Jimmy Ward, Clifford Pritchard, Daniel Mold. Lower left to right: Tony Smith, Noel Ward, John Ward. Picture: Dorset Police

Noel Christopher Ward, 33, of no fixed address, was sentenced to three years in prison which he will also serve alongside a current six-year sentence.


Daniel Mold, 30, of Staffordshire, was jailed for 30 months and Tony Smith, 49, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 26 months.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Matt Cooke, said: “This group repeatedly targeted a man they saw to be a susceptible victim, ruthlessly exploiting him for their own financial gain.

“We are determined to take action to identify those who prey on vulnerable people in this manner and this case demonstrates how we are able to bring them to justice.

“My thanks go to the victim for his support throughout the investigation and court process.

Jimmy Ward is still wanted by police after failing to appear in court. Picture: Dorset Police

“I would also take this opportunity to urge anyone with concerns that they or vulnerable neighbours are being targeted by rogue traders to contact us if they have any concerns.

“Never go to the bank with a tradesperson or give them your account details and do not hesitate to ask doorstep callers to wait outside while you check their validity.”

A sixth defendant – James Christopher Ward, known as Jimmy Ward – is wanted in connection with the investigation after failing to appear at court and being found guilty in his absence.

The 29-year-old, of Wiltshire, is white, five feet seven inches tall and of medium build with short black hair.

Anyone with information as to his whereabouts is urged to call 101, quoting occurrence number 55190168816. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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