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by Rachel Hovenden
With 25 members, their oldest 91, and youngest 53, one village WI group is still going strong as they celebrated its 90th birthday with a meal, quiz, and birthday cake.
The Shorne and Thong Women’s Institute was set up in 1922 and at its peak had 50 members.
Now it has half that number but members still enjoy regular trips out, craft sessions, and friendship.
About 60 people from across the region turned out for the group’s celebrations at Shorne Village Hall, in The Street, yesterday (February 2).
Marjorie Clark, 91, first joined the Shorne and Thong WI in 1958 when the membership cost just three shillings and six pence - it now costs £31.50.
The grandmother, of Burdett Avenue, Shorne, who is now the organisation’s vice-president, said: "I moved here from the Midlands in 1955 after marrying Norman about four years earlier.
"I didn’t know anyone other than his family who lived in Higham.
"It was very lonely. Some neighbours invited me along although I was a bit scared of all these posh ladies and me with my brummie accent.
"I made lots of friends and I have learnt and done so many things."
Maggie Harris, 53, a mother of two, is the organisation’s newest and youngest member.
The nurse, of Woodlands Lane, Shorne, said: "[I joined] to help keep it going.
"If new people didn’t join it might close.
"I enjoy making new friends and new experiences."