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Funeral date set for victims of killer PC

SEPARATE funeral services will be held for killer policeman Karl Bluestone and his three family victims.

The two children bludgeoned to death with a claw hammer by PC Bluestone on Tuesday last week will be laid to rest with their mother on Friday.

PC Bluestone, 36, attacked wife Jill, 31, and their four children at their home in Marling Way, Gravesend. The two eldest children survived.

A funeral service will be held for Mrs Bluestone and brothers Henry, three, and Chandler, 18 months, in her home town of Middlesbrough. A private cremation ceremony will follow for family members only.

The funeral arrangements for PC Bluestone, who hanged himself in his garage, have yet to be released.

Coroner's officer PC Alan Thornley, of Kent police, said: "PC Bluestone and the rest of his family will be buried separately, which is why separate inquests are being held.

"Whether there will be a police funeral for PC Bluestone will be up to the family. It may be that they want to go ahead with a small quiet funeral or they may want a larger one which colleagues can attend."

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