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When pub landlord Chris Peach decided to raise money for two causes close to his heart he couldn’t have set the bar much higher, after opting to climb one of the world’s biggest mountains.
The 34-year-old, who runs the Manor Farm Barn in Southfleet, will aim to scale 6,000 metres to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on Saturday.
Having never completed any physical challenges before, Mr Peach set himself the gruelling task after suffering two tragic losses in the past two years.
He and wife Kristie sadly lost their son Joshua after 41 weeks due to a stillbirth and the pub’s former staff member Paula Beagley died of pancreatic cancer.
Chris said: “Paula Beagley, who was a member of our bar team and a truly great lady, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer, and my wife Kristie and I also lost our son, Joshua, at 41 weeks to a stillbirth.
“Kristie and I were lucky enough to welcome our daughter Jessica eight months ago, but we wanted to raise money to help other parents affected by stillbirth, and also to aid research into pancreatic cancer.”
The inspiration for Mount Kilimanjaro came from an unlikely source – a copy of Bella Magazine which his wife had left in the bathroom.
He is leaving for Tanzania in Africa on Saturday to join a group embarking on an eight day hike up and down the mountain, sleeping in a tent each night.
Chris added: “I saw an appeal in the magazine for volunteers to take on the challenge, and although I’ve never done anything like that before, I decided to go for it.
“I don’t know anyone else taking part, so that is quite daunting, but I am sure that the tough conditions we are coping with will help us pull together!”
Money raised by Chris’ challenge will go to Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, and the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund.
The pub has already raised more than £2,000 for the charities during the past year with a ‘nearly-naked’ staff calendar, a fancy dress Halloween party and a New Year’s Eve celebration.
Chris said: “It has been a tough couple of years, and we hope that by raising funds for these fantastic causes, it will help others in similar situations.
"We have already received some incredible support, and hope that people will continue to give generously.”
To support Chris’ effort, visit