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Woman, 89, conned by 'water board' man

AN ELDERLY woman has had hundreds of pounds stolen by a man who managed to talk his way into her home.

The 89-year-old victim answered her front door in Wrotham Road, Gravesend, to a man who said he needed to come in to turn off her water about 12.30pm on August 23.

He claimed to be carrying out construction work further down her road. She led the man through her house, leaving the front door open.

Police say he adjusted the taps before asking to go upstairs to her bathroom. After the man left, the woman discovered her suitcase and drawers had been rifled in an upstairs bedroom. Several hundred pounds had been stolen.

The man is in his late teens or early twenties, white, and 5ft 6in tall. He was wearing a light-coloured top.

Police are urging pensioners to be vigilant, and preferably not keep large stashes of cash at home.

Police spokeswoman Shauna Hemingway, said: "We would prefer pensioners didn't keep cash in their homes, or to let people into their homes without carefully checking their identification.

"If they are genuine they will make an appointment."

Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Corinne Vidler on 01474 565167 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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