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THE best projects undertaken by Groundwork are those that have been planned - or wanted - by local people. That is the view of Robin Jones, development director of the north Kent trust.
There are plenty of those around Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley since Groundwork started in 1990.
Mr Jones describes himself as "one of the suits" at the trust's offices in the Priory Gatehouse at Dartford. The "suits" happily work alongside others who are more usually seen layered in mud on jeans and wax jackets.
"We have a diverse range of skills," he said. Their work is wide reaching. They are helping to make improvements in the community.
There are environmental initiatives. One of the largest is a mass tree planting along the route of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link.
They also advising firms of "green" solutions to business problems. Recycling waste, saving money by using resources better, and improving management awareness are carried out through a Groundwork management company. Profits are ploughed back to pay for the community work they undertake.