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The county’s largest independent landlord has taken on four administration apprentices as part of a commitment to hire 10 people from the area through the scheme before 2015.
Chatham-based mhs homes will put its new recruits through an NVQ Level 2 at MidKent College by the end of this year.
The firm has now hired nine apprentices since 2011 and offered 23 work experience placements for Medway residents in 2013.
Formed in 1990, the social housing provider owns and manages more than 8,000 homes in the region and has more than 20,000 customers.
Each apprentice will then get help to find full-time employment, either from external vacancies or within mhs homes.
New recruit Ella Thurman-Newell, 18, from Chatham, has begun work at mhs homes’ Broadside office in corporate services, while Justine Russell, 18, from Strood, has joined the asset management team.
Lauren Hunn, 21, from Strood, has joined the procurement team while Millie Patrick, 18, of Walderslade has become a member of the service improvement team.
mhs homes’ social responsibility coordinator Jane Grant said: “mhs homes is proud to provide an apprenticeship scheme to help local people get the skills and experience they need to fulfil their career aspirations.
“By working in partnership with other Medway-based organisations we are able to support the local community and provide access to high-quality training and educational opportunities.”
To find out more about hiring an apprentice, click here, or email