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AN EVENT has been held to see how Kent can attract jobs and stimulate collaboration with north German businesses in the construction, renewable energy and waste management sector.
Locate in Kent, the inward investment agency, in conjunction with the Eco-Enterprise initiative, is hosting a delegation from Nord Rhein Westphalia, Germany, with the aim of forging partnerships.
The £1.2m Eco-Enterprise Programme involves partners in Kent, Medway, East Sussex and Nord-Pas de Calais.
The first event, held at East Malling Centre on December 3, brought together 10 organisations from Germany and more than 20 businesses and support agencies from Kent.
Paul Wookey, chief executive of Locate in Kent, said: “Over the last two years Locate in Kent has, in close discussions with Kent Sustainable Business Partnership, examined the environmental technologies sector, and are currently in talks with a host of companies looking to set up substantial investments in Kent and Medway.
“Across the county we have a growing cluster of environmental technology companies and we are eager to play our part in attracting more of these high growth, high potential companies to the area.”
During the event Locate in Kent announced it had attracted a German company to establish its first UK operation in Kent.
Relocation advisers Logistic Consulting International, based in Aachen, Germany, assists German companies who are setting up a UK Limited company and advises on legal, HR and tax issues. The company has opened an office at Ingles Manor, Folkestone, and plans to create five jobs.