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THE project to create a fast rail link between Thanet and London could be back on track by the end of this month.
Reports that the idea had been derailed are "premature and not helpful to the economic regeneration of the area" said South Thanet MP Stephen Ladyman. He is meeting Richard Bowker, chairman of the Strategic Rail Authority, later this month and will invite him to let Netrail operate the time-cutting service.
Dr Ladyman said: "Connex have no interest in operating this service. If the SRA agree that Netrail can use the line, then we could be in operation by spring 2003. My meeting with Mr Bowker is critical.
"Everything is geared up and ready to go. We had expected to begin the service this year but problems with the SRA, timetables and Connex held us up.
"Ramsgate has been specifically identified as one of the towns to benefit from a fast link to London via the Channel Tunnel rail Link, and this indicates that the SRA is taking the Netrail proposals seriously. The next step is to press the authority to invite a firm bid from Netrail."
The proposed link is the vital missing piece in the district's regeneration programme and the MP said: "The success of this scheme it critical to the prosperity of Thanet and east Kent."
He is backed by business leaders and Thanet councillors in the scheme.
The service would feature ten of the latest four-car multiple trains, with a dedicated catering and refreshment car. Rolling stock and maintenance would cost £70 million and trains would call at Canterbury and Ashford on their way to the city.
The privately run project would link into the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and an express service could eventually mean journeys from the capital to the coast could take less than an hour.
The class 375 trains, which have completed test trials, would run a service equivalent to that of airline Club Class. Stewards and conductors would offer extra security.