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EMPLOYERS in Kent have singled out bureaucracy as their biggest cause for concern, according to the latest research from Business Link Kent (BLK).
Half (50 per cent) of the companies questioned said red tape and interpreting legislation had been an issue for them in the past year, rising to two-third (65 per cent) for businesses in the construction industry.
The second largest concern, affecting 40 per cent of Kent businesses over the last year, is rising overheads.
The figures come from the latest Kent Business Barometer, a quarterly survey commissioned by BLK, the county's business advice agency, to gauge the state of the Kent's business community.
Linda Bennett, Information Services and European Information Centre manager for BLK, said: "The publicity surrounding the introduction of new disciplinary and grievance procedures and the Disability Discrimination Act in October might be contributing to the feeling among employers that they are being tied up in red tape.
"However, there is substantial help available to assist businesses in keeping up to date with legislation and to avoid falling foul of the law.
Business Link Kent and partner organisations such as ACAS hold regular seminars on forthcoming legislation and we have a help desk that has up-to-date guidance.
"Legislation can be a bind for business but often it is the myths surrounding new laws, rather than what the rules actually say, which cause the greatest concern. The best approach is to find out what the facts are, how they affect your business and then act on them from a well-informed basis."