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ALASTAIR Campbell, Tony Blair’s former press aide and king of spin, rounded off Kent 2020 Vision with his unique experiences of working with some of the world’s most powerful leaders.
In a period where global change is happening at a pace never seen before, Mr Campbell told 2020 Vision dinner guests that great leaders were those who understood change and were able to drive it. But they were hard to come by.
As to those he respected most, Mr Campbell singled out Bill Clinton and Bertie Ahern.
"Clinton is the best communicator I have ever met. The man turns policy into people," he said.
On life with Tony Blair, Mr Campbell said there were very few political aides who ended their service still liking their boss, but he had left the PM with an even greater respect and friendship.
Blair, he said was akin to Lady Thatcher, in that both leaders did only what they believed in.
As a man who has crossed the fence from a career in journalism into politics, Campbell said he had more respect for politics.
In comparison with other countries, he said England had one of the cleanest political systems while its modern media had become more aggressive and more judgemental.
"I certainly don’t miss dealing with the press," said Mr Campbell who blamed the advent of 24 hour news for forcing the print press to differentiate and become more like political players.
When asked how long Tony Blair would stay in office Mr Campbell smiled and was careful in his answer.
Saying he honestly didn’t know, Mr Campbell added that he thought the PM’s greatest regret would be not bringing the Euro to Britain.