Dev Biswal’s The Cook’s Tales Holidays to offer nine-day culinary tour of east Kent…from £2,460 per person

A well-known chef has added another destination to his culinary tours of the world…east Kent.

The multi-award-winning Dev Biswal - chef and owner of the Cook’s Tale restaurant in Canterbury - has unveiled the county as the latest destination on his gourmet food tours.

Chef Dev Biswal will lead the nine-day culinary tour of east Kent
Chef Dev Biswal will lead the nine-day culinary tour of east Kent

The Cook’s Tales Holidays arm of his business has previously taken foodies to the likes of India, Morocco and Croatia. Now both international and domestic visitors will be experiencing dishes a little closer to home.

The nine-day tour will include tasting trips to local microbreweries and vineyards, cookery lessons and jaunts to take in the likes of Whitstable and the castles of Dover, Deal and Walmer.

Those taking part will stay at the Abode Hotel in Canterbury - but will have to stomach the culinary tour’s price tag with the trip costing from £2,460 per person. You do, however, get a lot of bang for your buck.

It will also include an overnight stay in London for a meal and West End show, as well as a punt down the River Stour and optional hot air balloon ride.

The chef said: “We’re blessed with some of the finest food and drink produce to be found anywhere in the country.

Dev Biswal - made his name in the county with his Ambrette restaurants before a rebrand
Dev Biswal - made his name in the county with his Ambrette restaurants before a rebrand

“The range of top-quality meats, seafood, fruits and veg, beers, ciders and wines are sublime – and all found in an area of outstanding natural beauty and rich history – it’s a chef’s delight.”

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