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Our members will be encouraged by some of the budget’s announcements.
The review into business rates is long overdue. When complete, it must deliver tangible benefits to businesses and not end up as just another report that sits on the shelf.
The commitment to raise the Annual Investment Allowance to an appropriate level will provide the certainty needed for businesses to plan and invest – something badly needed if the UK is to raise its productivity.
We are especially pleased the idea for a single digital tax account is being taken forward. This is something we have long advocated – featuring prominently in our 2015 Business Manifesto.
This should reduce the time businesses take to complete their tax returns, and offer opportunities to deliver targeted support. The abolition of class 2 national insurance contributions for the self employed is also a welcome step.
There were some helpful measures to help with getting connected.
The extension of the superfast connection vouchers will help some small businesses in more urban areas but in Kent we certainly want more.
Access to superfast services is a key requirement for small businesses. Delivery of this strategy will be critical to future-proofing the national and Kent economy.