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CELEBRATING youth achievement has been the Lieutenancy's main focus throughout the past year – and how worthwhile it proved to be.
Inevitably the bad behaviour of a disaffected minority grabs public attention. But our major event at the County Showground, showcasing the activities of youth groups from every part of Kent, gave a totally positive view of the great majority of today's young people.
I met selfless young carers, mentors, first-aiders, cadets and many others, all demonstrating good citizenship - and enjoying new friendships and a lot of fun in their youth organisations.
They are our future, and through them our county will be in good hands.
In the coming year, the Lieutenancy will be focusing on TA 100 - the centenary of the Territorial Army - and celebrating the service of past and present Volunteer Reservists of all the Services.
There will be linked events at Penshurst, Chatham, Maidstone, Dover and elsewhere, culminating in a parade and thanksgiving service at Canterbury Cathedral to honour these volunteers who are truly 'twice a citizen'.
Over the festive season some of them will be serving alongside the regulars on operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Our prayers are with them - and especially with their families left behind in our care and yet often forgotten by the public.
Our thoughts, too, are with the emergency services, those caring for others, and those who are ill or alone.
I wish all Kent Messenger Group readers a happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.