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More tributes to Lord Bruce-Lockhart

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 12:40, 14 August 2008

Passion for Kent: Sir Sandy

Tributes are continuing to come in to Lord Bruce-Lockhart of the Weald, who died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. He was 66.

The peer was leader of Kent County Council from 1997 until 2005 - and was the most powerful Conservative politician in office in the country during that time.

The leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, said: "Sandy Bruce-Lockhart was a visionary leader of Kent County Council and put forward powerful arguments about empowering local government which all parties have listened to.

"He made a huge contribution to public life as chairman of English Heritage and head of the Local Government Association and will be sadly missed."

Listen to more tributes and watch slideshow of pictures of Lord Bruce-Lockhart here >>>

His former colleagues at KCC say he was a man who devoted much of his life to improving and promoting life in Kent.


Cllr Paul Carter (Con), who replaced Lord Bruce-Lockhart as leader of KCC, described him as a "charismatic leader", adding: "He will be enormously missed both locally in Kent and more broadly in the country.

"Kent is a unique and wonderful county, full of special places and special people."
Lord Bruce-Lockhart as he announced his decision to step down as KCC leader in September 2005

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"Sandy restored KCC back to the top of the premier league in local government - delivering a hard earned reputation nationally for achieving excellence.

"Driven by a love and passion for the people and the county of Kent, he proved that beneath his urbane charm and courtesy lay his conviction and determination to deliver what he believed was right.

"Put simply, in all he did he was a force for good and we will all miss his wise advice and friendship very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Tess and the family at this sad time."

When Lord Bruce-Lockhart announced his decision to step down as KCC leader in September 2005, he said: "Kent is a unique and wonderful county, full of special places and special people. Local government is never easy - but I have served Kent to the best of my ability.

"It has been the very greatest privilege and honour to be able to serve this council and my county."

"He was one of the best leaders that Kent County Council has ever had. His political awareness and grip on what was happening was always superb.
Edwin Boorman, president of the Kent Messenger Group

Paul Clark (Lab), MP for Gillingham and Rainham said:

"I am sincerely saddened at the passing of Sandy. He was a major player on the Kent political scene for many years.


"When he moved on to The Local Government Association and English Heritage - their gain was Kent’s loss.

"Locally, Sandy and I were on the Thames Gateway Kent Partnership Board together from its inception. Whilst we did not always see eye to eye on every issue, he was a person whom you respected for their commitment and hard work for Kent.

"On the national political scene, in Whitehall, I saw Sandy at work on behalf of the Local Government Association when I was with the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott MP in the department responsible for local government and regeneration.

"My thoughts today are with his wife, Tess and his family."

Paying tribute, Ann Widdecombe (Con), MP for Maidstone and the Weald, said: "Sandy will be a massive loss, not only to his family, but to the Conservative party and to the Government in general.

"His has been an immensely distinguished career, but I'm especially grateful for all the personal support that I've had from him over the last 20 years."

Labour group leader Cllr Mike Eddy said he was saddened by the news. "Sandy and I may have disagreed on politics - but he was a skilled politician with the interests of Kent at heart. It was a privilege to have crossed political swords with him."

The Lord Lieutenant of Kent, Allan Willett, said: ""He was a close personal friend and also a wonderful colleague during our work together for the communities of Kent.

"He was a man of high integrity who was totally dedicated to the well being of the county and its future.

"It was fitting that the Lieutenancy recently had the opportunity to present him with the Spirit of Kent Award, which could not have been more appropriate and richly deserved."

Edwin Boorman, president of the Kent Messenger Group, said: "Sandy Bruce-Lockhart was one of the best leaders that Kent County Council has ever had.

"His political awareness and his grip on what was happening was always superb. He handled each and every situation with great tact and diplomacy. He will be sadly missed."

KM Group chairman Geraldine Allinson said: "It is difficult to put into words what a loss Sandy is to all of us in Kent. He was a very special person and had a wonderful ability to make time for people.

"He and Tessa always appeared to me to be a great team - my heart goes out to her and the family for their loss."

Last month, Lord Bruce-Lockhart sat down with Kent Messenger Group reporter Angela Cole to talk about his love for the county and his family. Read the exclusive interview here >>>

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