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Play it safe on the road

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 10:20, 10 February 2006

Always take the keys with you when you leave the car

IN THE winter, with darker mornings and evenings, road users face not only an increased chance of being involved in an accident but become much more aware of personal safety.

Although attacks on motorists are rare, it’s worth taking a few precautions. Car thieves are, after all, becoming more opportunist and now that security devices are so sophisticated on new cars, some have taken to targeting the car through the driver.

It is important to make a plan.

* Plan your safety to avoid risky situations.


* Look confident - you’ll be less likely to be attacked.

* Avoid putting yourself at risk - follow your instincts.

* Never assume that it would "not happen to you".

People tend to feel safer when driving and harassment or actual attacks are rare. A few sensible precautions will help minimise risks. Remember some people become more aggressive behind the wheel.

Before you set off

Make sure your car is regularly serviced, and check tyres, oil, and petrol - especially before a long journey. Carry a spare safety can of petrol. Plan your route in advance. Car jacking gangs may be more likely to target motorists who look unsure of where they are going or those looking at maps when stopped at traffic lights. Tell people at your destination what time you plan to arrive. Carry change for a payphone in an emergency; better still a mobile phone.


On the road

Keep bags, mobile phone and other valuables out of sight. Keep the doors locked, windows and sunroof closed as far as possible, especially in stop / go traffic. Always try to keep a gap between your vehicle and the one in front when stopped at traffic lights. If a car jacking gang attacks you, being too close to the vehicle in front will prevent you from escaping. If another car that does not stop nudges yours, try to take down the car details rather than following it. Some car-jacking gangs use the tactic of nudging a vehicle then attacking the owner after he has followed them for a period.

Do not pick up hitchhikers. Keep an up-to-date map handy so that you won’t need to stop for directions. If your vehicle is under attack, dial 999 and sound your horn.

Leaving the car

Always ensure that you take your car keys out of the vehicle if you are going into a shop or a petrol station.

In a multi-storey car park, reverse your car; leave it as close to the exit as you can, near ground level and away from pillars. Have your key ready when you return; check the back seat for intruders before you get in.

If a car pulls up in front, forcing you to stop, leave the engine on. If the driver gets out and approaches you, reverse and get away. Activate hazard lights and sound your horn continuously. If anyone tries to force down a partially open window or open an unlocked door, hit his or her hand with the nearest available object.

If you witness an accident

If you see and incident, or if someone tries to flag you down, think before leaving your car. Is it genuine?

If you breakdown

If you have a breakdown on an ordinary road, pull off the road as far as you can and switch on your hazard warning lights. Do not leave children alone in the car. If someone offers help, stay in the car with the doors locked and ask them to phone for help.

If you have a breakdown on the motorway, drive or coast to an emergency phone if you can. If you cannot drive any further, pull on to the hard shoulder and switch on your lights. Leave the car by the passenger door and walk to the nearest emergency phone.

When your breakdown vehicle arrives, wind your window down slightly and check that she/he knows your name.

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