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Kent's most foolish criminals and the acts that landed them in the dock

By: Brad Harper

Published: 06:00, 14 May 2020

Updated: 06:29, 14 May 2020

It can certainly be argued there's a level of stupidity in every crime committed, but some criminals prove themselves to be a little less clever than others.

Last week, KentOnline reported on CCTV footage which showed the moment a bungling burglar on the hunt for booze crashed to the floor after clambering through a café window.

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Watch: CCTV shows the burglar crash to the floor

Red-faced Ricky Hodgkins was seen trying to sneak across kitchen counters after breaking into the shop at Margate railway station.

But within seconds he fell on his face - before swiftly dusting himself off to continue the raid.


Officers were called and arrived to find him on the station grounds with an armful of beer and bleeding - but he claimed he had suffered his injuries in a fight earlier that day.

They also found empty bottles of wine and beer inside the café as Hodgkins continued to deny any wrongdoing.

But he slipped up when he asked officers to get his carrier bag from inside the café and was jailed for 90 days after pleading guilty.

Here are more of Kent's dumbest criminals....

Lee Webb mixed up his son's packed lunch and a bag of drugs


A dopey dad accidentally sent his son to nursery school with a "drug dealer's kit" instead of his usual pack lunch.

Lee Webb confused the two bags before taking his child to the Smarty Pants Nursery in Folkestone.


Staff opened up the toddler's rucksack expecting to find food and drink for lunch but, instead, discovered cocaine and mephedrone – a banned stimulant.

And alongside the illegal substances, they found two knives, a set of scales and other drug paraphernalia.

Webb was jailed for four years in January 2015 after admitting possessing the Class A and B drugs.

Darren Baldock was jailed


A man who broke into caravans on the Isle of Sheppey was caught after his stolen "getaway" vehicle became stuck on a beach.

Darren Baldock, 50, from south east London, desperately tried to winch free the Ford Transit van using a rope and pulley wrapped around a fence.

He failed and fled on foot. But his unsuccessful rescue attempt was caught on CCTV and the film later allowed police to identify him.

Just two days later, having been arrested and released on police bail, the incompetent burglar broke into a second caravan, and this time was caught in the act by the resident.

Baldock, of Erwood Road, Charlton, was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court in November to two years and three months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to the offences.

Anthony Foord was jailed for seven years. Picture: Kent Police


A dozy thief was found asleep on the sofa clutching jewellery he had stolen during a burglary.

Heroin addict Anthony Foord was seen running away from a house in Sunningdale Avenue, Folkestone, in May carrying stolen jewels.

Officers found his DNA on a bottle he had left behind at the scene and had been tipped off that the 39-year-old had been given access to a property in Folkestone that he was staying in on May 8, 2018.

When police arrived at the property they found the thief, of no fixed address, asleep on the sofa holding a jewellery box close to his chest.

He was surrounded by more than 180 other items including earrings, more jewellery boxes and watches.

A judge jailed the “relentless” burglar for seven years telling him the public, his victims and the court have "had enough of you for some time”.

William Willett was discovered asleep at the scene Picture: Kent Police (34394965)


A tired burglar landed himself behind bars after falling asleep while raiding a burger restaurant.

William Willett, 26, was discovered taking 40 winks by police after they were called to Notorious BRG in Castle Street, Canterbury.

William Willett was jailed for two years and four months Picture: Kent Police

Officers were alerted following reports the front door had been forced open and found Willett snoozing on the floor with a bag of stolen goods he had swiped in the previous 24 hours.

Willett - who was also carrying a knife - admitted a series of offences and was jailed for two years and four months at Canterbury Crown Court in March.

Scott Parker left his shoes at the scene of a burglary


A hapless burglar was jailed after leaving his own shoes and bike at a crime scene.

Scott Parker broke into a home in Hungershall Park, Tunbridge Wells, making off with £4,500 worth of designer handbags, toiletries and pyjama bottoms.

But the 44-year-old left his silver mountain bike, shoes and phone behind.

The homeowner called police after spotting Parker, 44, climbing out of his bedroom window.

Phone data placed Parker at the scene and CCTV showed him riding the seized bike.

He was later jailed for 15 months after admitting charges of burglary, assaulting an emergency worker and two counts of using threatening, abusive or insulting words to alarm.


Bungling burglar Taylor Oldham made it very easy for the police to discover who broke into a house.

The 29-year-old took a pot of white paint to smash into the property in Coombe Road, Gravesend, on October 9 last year.

But the clumsy intruder spilled the liquid, trod in it and left footmarks through the house.

Then he took two knives from the kitchen and cut his hand leaving blood stains on a chest of drawers - which led detectives to Oldham.

Judge Martin Huseyin described Taylor Oldham's actions as "incompetence and amateurish". Picture: Andy Payton

Judge Martin Huseyin said: "This is incompetence and amateurish."

Oldham stole cash, perfume, a mobile phone and jewellery - but was arrested a month later and found to be wearing tracksuit bottoms still stained with the paint.

The judge suspended a 15-month jail sentence for two years and ordered him to carry out 160 hours of unpaid work for the community.

Oldham, who admitted burglary, was also given a six-week curfew to remain at home between 8pm and 6am.

Bunyan posted this picture on Instagram showing the Loius Vuitton box
Stacey Bunyan admitted theft when she appeared in court


A cleaner stole a £275 necklace from a client's home - and then hours later posted a photo online showcasing the swiped jewellery box.

Stacey Bunyan uploaded the snap to her business's official Instagram page after stealing the pricey Louis Vuitton necklace from a house she cleaned every week in Canterbury.

Stacey Bunyan admitted theft when she appeared in court

But the 29-year-old thief was foiled after suspicious home owner Mark Ravenwood saw the picture and called the police.

They arrested Bunyan and recovered the jewellery.

In January, the thief, of Long Acre Close, Canterbury, was ordered to do 90 hours of community service and pay the Ravenwoods £100 compensation.


A benefits cheat who claimed she couldn’t walk or dress herself landed herself in the dock after being caught changing her outfit up to three times a day.

Former-hospital worker Glenys Moon, from Deal, stole more than £11,000 by pretending to be severely disabled for three years, before government sleuths tracked her down.

But Department for Work and Pensions investigators witnessed Moon filling her car, leaving the house and getting changed up to three times a day.

In September last year she was sentenced to nine months in prison suspended for 18 months and placed on a four-month curfew.

Read more: All the latest news from Kent

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