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X Factor Andy Abraham coming to Winter Gardens

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 16:16, 04 February 2009

Andy Abraham

“Margate won’t know what’s hit it - I’m going to rock the place with a high energy show full of funk and soul.”

That’s the promise of singer Andy Abrahams who plays the Winter Gardens on Saturday February 28 as part of a UK tour that he says will let audiences “hear the real me at long last.”

The two-hour set with a live backing band will showcase the singer’s own material from his recent Even If album, together with numbers from his musical heroes that include The Four Tops, Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes and Luther Vandross.

Since finishing runner up in the X Factor TV talent show three years ago Andy has toured with a showcase of the production - “hard work, good fun but not the real me.”


He satisfied his growing fan base with a highly acclaimed debut album The Impossible Dream, followed by a solo live outing, The Unforgettable Tour, which ended with a sold out performance at the Royal Albert Hall.

His second album Soul Man was a tribute to Motown greats, and he was also chosen to represent the UK in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2008.

But now he says the gloves are off and he’s raring to go singing and performing his own songs. He said: “I can’t wait. It will be the real me. I have taken so much pride writing and recording the Even If album and I can’t wait to play it live - the songs will grow, breathe and change, that’s the beauty of live performances with a band.

“Having creative control over your work is a massive difference. It is something I have longed for in my music and this show will highlight different stages of my musical development. There is no right or wrong way to write music and perform it to people - I believe it is how you feel. Just keeping it real is so vital to me.

The former dustman, who entered X Factor after his wife Denise forged his signature on the entry form, says self-belief is critical in his career. He said: “You must be proud of who you are, believe in what you do. I have so much to give and I think people will see that on the coming tour.”

A huge fan of Alex who won the last high profile X Factor series -”she has a great voice and was always going to be the winner for me” - he is critical of the formula of the series.


He explained: “The sad thing is that the recent winners have been more or less copies of Maria Carey or Whitney Houston. Both superb artistes but I wonder when the next raw and original performer will come along, someone who made the sort of impact in the music world that George Michael did.

“X Factor is a very,very popular show and is a great quick fix vehicle for anyone wanting to get known to the masses - but I don’t believe it is a gateway into becoming a respected musician. That takes time and hard work, developing your own style and cutting it on stage or in the studio with your own music.

“I bless the chances X Factor gave me - but Andy Abraham has paid his dues in the last three years and I truly believe this coming set of dates will be my foundation tour, where I show what my music is all about and where I get established in my own right.

“It’s a tough challenge - but I’m up for it.”

Andy Abraham is at Margate Winter Gardens on Saturday, February 28. The show starts at 7.30pm and the tickets are between £18-20. Telephone the box office, 01843 296111.He is also appearing at the Tunbridge Wells Assembly Rooms on March 22 (01892 530613.

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