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COUNCIL taxpayers face increases of nearly 30 per cent to meet the cost of policing in Kent in the coming financial year.
The inflation-busting rise in Kent Police's share of the annual council tax demand has been agreed by members of Kent Police Authority.
The £233 million police budget for 2003/4 will mean a police bill for the headline Band D council taxpayer of £94.95 - a rise of 28.9 per cent.
It comes on top of an expected 12.5 per cent rise in the Kent County Council precept. Taxpayers also face demands from borough and parish councils.
Police authority chairman, county councillor John Palmer (Con), said he was "mindful of the extra burden on taxpayers" and blamed the rises on inadequate Government funding.
The authority's council tax demand, which represents a rise of 43p a week for Band D properties, will be used to meet increased demand in general operational services and to enhance other services.
Cllr Palmer said: "The new budget will enable us to maintain all existing services and provide an increase in the number of additional operational police officers by 128, providing increased patrols and increased resilience in the on-going battle against crime."