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SCHOOLBOY heroes kicked in the door of a blazing house and saved a woman trapped inside.
Aaron Butler, 14, and 15-year-old Ashley Jones, may well have saved the woman’s life, according to Medway fire station watch manager Paul Nash .
He said: “Without a doubt she could have died if it wasn’t for their action. “They did extremely well.”
The fire broke out at the property in Luton Road, Chatham, on Saturday night.
Aaron of Henry Street, Luton, said: "We could hear a woman crying inside. A man came rushing out of a different entrance, and all three of us began kicking the door down.
“It didn’t go easily, partly because it had a security chain in place.”
Ashley, also of Henry Street, said: “The woman was standing behind the door by the time we got it open. She was in a state of shock. We got her out and then adults took over and looked after her.
“Then the fire burst through the ground floor windows and Aaron pushed me out of the way just in time.”
Police and fire investigators are trying to establish the cause of the blaze.