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Broadstairs - protestor Tony Hyde hands out leaflets against Live Animal exports
by Nicola Everett
Tighter restrictions on live animal exports out of the Port of Ramsgate are a step closer.
More than a million people from across Europe have signed a petition calling for an eight-hour time limit for transportations.
MEPs and animal welfare organisations have handed the signatures to the European Commissioner, who has agreed to work on proposals for a new European Law.
South East Green MEP, Keith Taylor, said: "I'm supporting the eight-hour campaign because it's a step in the right direction, in fact we don't think there should be any live animal exports at all.
"It's not just about time and how long an animal is on a vehicle for - this legislation, it's going to be about the conditions they travel under, the ventilation, their access to fresh water and overcrowding.
"It's going to be strictly controlled and there's going to have to be adequate stops for animals during their journey."
Last month, around 600 people joined a protest at Ramsgate to mark a year since shipments of sheep and calves resumed at the port.
Figures released by Compassion in World Farming revealed more than 76,000 live animals were transported during the previous 12 months.
Mr Taylor added: "We are supporting the people in Ramsgate to end it (the trade), because we don't think it's necessary to transport live animals at all.
"Looking at the number of people who've supported that campaign and the over 1 million people from every member state in Europe who've signed this eight-hour campaign - people are being quite clear about how we care about animals.
"They might be in the food chain but we don't have to treat them inhumanely in the meantime."