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Parents finding out today which primary school their child has been allocated for September are being warned to expect changes to the way places are accepted and organised in order to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
Both Kent County Council and Medway Council will begin releasing offers of places after 4pm this afternoon via email to families who have a child due to start reception in the autumn and who applied online.
Medway Council is asking applicants to not visit schools in person to return any forms or hand in documents.
In a message on its website, which will also be included with information packs sent to parents later today, it asks: "To avoid any unnecessary journeys and contact with others and to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, we ask that you submit any forms by email. Details of where to return forms to can be found in the next steps guide and at the top of each form.
"Please do not visit schools to hand in forms or information."
Schools in Kent and Medway closed to the majority of pupils on Friday, March 20 in attempt to help slow the spread of the virus, with only keyworkers still able to send their children in, and everyone else learning from home.
Kent County Council, which says more than 97% of children or 16,954 pupils will be offered a place at one of the three schools named on their application, is also encouraging families to read all offer correspondence carefully as the authority acknowledges it too has had to alter the subsequent process of accepting places to take into account school closures and social distancing measures.
Richard Long, Kent County Council’s cabinet member for education and skills, said: “I appreciate that for those families who did not receive one of their preferences there will be feelings of disappointment and concern today. I would like to reassure them that this is just the first stage of the application process. Families have the option to appeal or join a waiting list for an alternative school if they are not happy with their allocation and there is likely to be considerable movement between now and September as families do not take up places they are offered.
"However, I would advise that parents, carers and pupils consider the school they have been given with an open mind and speak to staff, even if they are not currently able to visit, before making a decision.
“Parents are also advised to carefully read their offer email or letter as it has been necessary to amend some of the processes after Offer Day to take into account the fact that schools are partially closed and social distancing is in effect."
In Medway 97% or 3,491 children have been offered a place at one of their top three choices and 88% got their first choice.
Cllr Josie Iles, Medway Council’s lead member for Children’s Services, said: “I am pleased that we have been able to let children and their families know which primary school they have been offered a place at for September 2020 on National Primary Offer Day in these unusual times.
"It is fantastic news that more than 97% of children have been allocated a place at one of their preferred schools.
"Going to primary school is a big step for children as they begin their education and I wish them all the best for when they start primary school.
"We are committed to helping children learn well and achieve their full potential.”
Listen to Education law specialist Graham Jones from Whitehead Monckton:
Families being offered a reception place for September have until May to accept or refuse the place they have been given.
In Kent this is done directly with the school and the deadline for returning the primary acceptance/refusal form is Wednesday, May 6.
Medway Council requests that families send back all relevant forms by Friday, May 15.
Parents unhappy with the place they've been allocated are encouraged to accept it whilst exploring all other options to ensure their child has a guaranteed start in September until other avenues can be explored or appeals lodged.
Further information about the process is available for Kent County Council at and for Medway Council by clicking here.
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