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FIRE crews from Paddock Wood, Matfield, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells fought to free a man trapped in his car after it struck a tree on the A228 Seven Mile Lane on Saturday night.
The accident happened at about 3am near Roydon Hall when the car, believed to be a Ford Escort, left the road, rolled over and collided with a tree, suffering severe damage.
An operation to release the driver was led by Sub Officer John Keen, from Paddock Wood fire station. Leading Firefighter Matt Crush, of Tunbridge Wells' green watch, said: "It was an extremely difficult extrication, probably one of the hardest I've seen.
"The car had literally wrapped itself around the trunk of the tree and we had to cut into it through the floor pan and engine compartment to reach the casualty."
The A228 was closed to traffic while the rescue took place, and the driver was eventually lifted out and taken to the Kent and Sussex Hospital, Tunbridge Wells, by ambulance.
Earlier the same night, just before 1am, Tunbridge Wells green watch attended another road accident in which an MG-F sports car had left the road and struck a tree near Cowden.
The accident happened on the B2026 Hartfield Road on the Kent- East Sussex border, and was also attended by firefighters from Edenbridge and Forest Row.
One young man who had been in the car was recovered from the verge, though it was not clear if he had managed to scramble free or had been thrown out by the impact.
Another young man, the driver, was trapped and cutting gear was used in a 30 minute operation to release him. Both casualties were taken to hospital by ambulance.