More on KentOnline
by business editor Trevor Sturgess
Firms are urged to remind their staff to fill in their census form as soon as possible.
The 26 million forms issued to households and some businesses across the UK were due to be completed yesterday, but many will be sent in or filed online over the next few days.
People have 10 days to complete their census questionnaire online or return it in the post before the April 6 deadline. If a form has not been returned by April 6, one of 35,000 census collectors will visit.
Kent County Council said: "Census forms go to households and individuals, so businesses as such don't fill them in (unless they're a residence such as a care home). The message to employers is to remind their staff to fill theirs in at home and make sure that they have their work postcodes."
Officials say the data collected is vital to the future of Kent businesses by, for example, revealing how employees get to the office, whether they need to park and the right amount of space they should be allocated.
It influences commuter links, transport infrastructure for delivery of supplies and goods, new retail and office space, broadband supply and the availability of training to get a workforce with the right skills.
Census data also makes sure that the right business infrastructure is planned by capturing the changing type of jobs. For example, in 1921, there were cordwainers (shoemaker) and gongmen (station porter). Now, there are eBay traders, web content managers and feng shui consultants.
For businesses, the information on population, households and the labour market can be used to make a range of decisions, such as which products to provide, the range of goods and services on offer and the type of marketing to use.
In care homes, individual questionnaires go to managers who are expected to hand them out to residents, help them where necessary, and collect them on completion.