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Gillingham fans have their say ahead of the League 2 game against Lincoln City at Priestfield

Gillingham fans at Hereford
Gillingham fans at Hereford

Gillingham fans turned out in their numbers at Hereford Pic: Barry Goodwin

Gillingham fans are feeling confident ahead of Saturday's game against Lincoln City, with all eight of our contributors predicting a first win of the season for Andy Hessenthaler's men.

Read what our Gills Jury members thing ahead of the game.

ALEX SARSON (Wellingborough)

We’re unbeaten so I’m remaining positive, especially with the performances the players are putting in. The fight and spirit of Hessy’s playing days is firmly back in the squad and this weekend could be the time it turns into a win.

Spiller is proving to be the player we hoped he would be. A midfield maestro leading the game for us and looking his superb old self. I’m glad he’s put the injury problems he had at Millwall behind him as we will need him throughout the season. I see him providing not only goals but assists as well, but more importantly he’s the kind of player we’ve missed since Hess stopped wearing the shirt.

Prediction: Gills 3 Lincoln 1


Chris Palmer
Chris Palmer

Lincoln haven’t had a good start to the season but I don’t think you can read too much in to the league table after just two games. That said, we’ve got to be looking to go out and get a win this weekend. I am hopeful we can attack early and take the game to them, getting an early goal in the process, which is going to be essential throughout this season as teams will come here to defend. After a couple of good individual away performances I am looking forward to seeing Chris Palmer (pictured) again; he was quiet against Cheltenham on the opening day and still has a point to prove to the Priestfield faithful. I think we’ll win but it may be a little closer than some might anticipate.

Prediction: Gills 2 Lincoln 1

LIAM BATCH (Ashford)

As each game goes by, it appears the Gills’ line-up are gradually becoming more confident around each other and with this are improving as a side. Indeed, we are yet to grasp our first three points, however, I feel on both occasions we were unlucky not to and it’s inevitable that a win will arrive in due course. Lincoln haven’t got off to a great start and will be looking to frustrate the Gills and prove to their own following how capable they are. Injuries seem to be only increasing for Gillingham but I feel that the ability of the current first team will on its day, be capable of putting on a top performance at the expense of Lincoln. I’m a huge fan of Akinfenwa and I feel that he will once again put on a great performance, along with the rest of the lads, whose quick intricate passing will prove too much for Chris Sutton’s side.

Prediction: Gills 3 Lincoln 1


Matt Lawrence
Matt Lawrence

Two games into the new season and already we’re without half a squad to pick from! Makes life somewhat more tricky, however, we seem to have been playing well in the last two games so we can take encouragement from that. Even with the injuries I think we would have to be disappointed not to win the game - what with it being at home. Spiller seems destined to score at some point, so why not on Saturday? And for all the talk of our rickety defending, we’ve only conceded one goal in the league (I know in only two games), but with the arrival of Lawrence (pictured) we have more options and experience. As long as we keep trying to play the football we have been recently we should be able to see ourselves right. The strikers will come good soon as long as we keep supplying them with chances.

Prediction: Gills 3 Lincoln 0

ROSS GREEN (Sheerness)

The Gills website at the beginning of the week said "Gills remain unbeaten" which in itself doesn’t read too bad, but when you put it together with the fact that they haven’t won yet, it doesn’t look too good. Okay, so we’re only two matches in, but expectant Gillingham fans are counting on promotion this season and would like to get as high up the table as quick as possible, rather than leave it until late in the season.

It was a solid performance against Hereford last week, with keeper Adam Bartlett being the only thing between Gillingham and their first away win since May 2009. With Lincoln bottom of the table, Gillingham have the mental advantage and with a good performance at home, they should run out easy victors.

Prediction: Gills 2 Lincoln 0


Albert Jarrett
Albert Jarrett

Gills return to Priestfield on the back of an impressive performance at Hereford yet still missing the first victory of the season. I feel that it is time for everything to come together, the battle, the created chances and the missing component so far, goals. I think Gillingham can win this one and win it well. I’m in a confident mood and looking forward to Saturday. It will be interesting to see the return of two former Gills, Delroy Facey and Albert Jarrett (pictured). Jarrett has a great turn of pace and a wicked cross and I felt the club maybe could have kept hold of him. I think we’ve got what it takes to keep him and the rest of the Imps quiet, especially with new signing Matt Lawrence’s experience.

Prediction: Gills 3 Lincoln 0


I believe this Saturday will bring Gillingham’s first win of the season. With Lincoln finishing 20 in League 2 last season and no points from their first two games, Gills should be more than able to claim all three points. The game won’t be easy though. Gills still have a long list of injured players. Matt Lawrence is helping to steady the back four but Akinfenwa is most likely to be up-front on his own. I predict a hard-fought victory with few shots on goal but a solid defensive display and a single goal from midfield.

Prediction: Gills 1 Lincoln 0


Despite only having two points on the board, I’m confident with how things are shaping up. Although only a couple of games in, I believe we’ve got a much improved balance to the side this season, alongside what appears to be better morale, both within the camp and in the stands. I’m confident we’ll see a comfortable victory on Saturday, and with key players returning in coming weeks, I’m confident and very excited about the season ahead.

Prediction: Gills 3 Lincoln 0

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