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THE Mayor of Medway, Cllr Angela Prodger, has cut down the number of engagements she attends, after suffering severe chest pains.
Until the cause of the problem is established and the pains have subsided, many of her duties will be covered by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr David Royle.
She said: “The pains started (last Wednesday) after I had made a presentation at the Shozna restaurant in Rochester – though it had nothing to do with the meal which was absolutely wonderful.
“When the pains had not subsided by the following morning, I saw my doctor who arranged an ECG scan. I was told they could not rule out the possibility of a minor heart attack.”
But Mrs Prodger believes the pain is more likely to be a recurrence of an old complaint, inflammation to the cartilage of her rib cage, possibly brought on by wearing the heavy mayoral chain.