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Geoff Goodban with his collection of animals
by Katie Alston
A modern day Noah's Ark housing more than 251 animals lies nestled in the Canterbury countryside.
Geoff Goodban's collection of creatures wouldn't look out of place at a zoo, but the businessman has been building his menagerie of creatures great and small for as long as he can remember, just for the love of it.
Reindeer, wild boar and lamas are just a selection of the weird and wonderful residents at Ponderosa in Denstead Lane, Chartham Hatch.
Although the 75-year-old father-of-four and grandfather-of-10 has more than 23 different types of animal on his farm he still wants more.
Plans are afoot to get hold of some wallabies, as the last of his furry Australian friends died earlier this year.
Animal accumulator Mr Goodban has taken on a stock man to help tend to his pets, and although he remains cagey as to how much he spends on caring for the creatures or how much he has forked out on buying them, he does reveal the figures is substantial and runs into the thousands.
Mr Goodban, who runs security companies, said: "I love animals, but I guess you could say my wife tolerates them.
"I don't make any money from them and they aren't sold for their meat.
"People often stop at the side of the road to see the animals in the field, but it is a private collection.
"It all started when I was younger and we had a pet dog and some horses, things then just grew. I have always been a fan.
Geoff Goodban with Shear
Geoff Goodban with a European Eagle Owl
"I get the animals from all sorts of places, breeders, zoos or sometimes I rescue them.
"I find them interesting and like having them around, but I don't think the collection will get much bigger, just the ones that are having babies and hopefully some new wallabies.
"They take a lot of looking after, but we have a full time stockman who tends to them all.
"My grandchildren love visiting all the animals and I get a lot of joy from them.
"I don't have any particular favourites, I did like having the wallabies and we have a goat that will come and sit on your lap, which is quite funny."