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CHILDREN from Leybourne Primary School will be among guests attending the official opening of the £28million Leybourne and West Malling bypass on Wednesday, October 18.
There had previously been provisional dates of October 5 and October 19.
During the ceremony the children will perform a specially written song, and people can watch from the new Leybourne Bridleway Bridge.
Vanessa Dunnet, headteacher of Leybourne Primary School, said it would an important day for the village.
She added: “We are pleased that the bypass is now complete and look forward to a quieter, safer, less polluted future for our children and the local community.”
The 2½ mile bypass, completed ahead of schedule, road will give much needed relief for residents of Leybourne, as well as providing better access between the M20 and the A228 corridor.
At the same time the new section of road in Leybourne was constructed, the West Malling bypass was upgraded to a dual carriageway with improved links for the Kings Hill development and West Malling train station. Kent County Council cabinet member for Environment, Transport and Waste, Keith Ferrin, who is opening the road, said: “This bypass will bring so much to the area, benefiting local residents and businesses. Leybourne will no longer be a rat-run for some 30,000 vehicles a day and the flagship Kings Hill development will be served by a dual carriageway to the M20 - essential for its continued success.”
The project, which was jointly-funded by Government grant, Kent County Council borrowing and local developer contributions, was promoted by Kent County Council, designed by Peter Brett Associates and constructed by Birse Civils Limited.
It is part of the county council’s long-term commitment to improving the A228 between the Thames Gateway growth area and West Kent.