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Reasons to be cheerful - times three!

PROUD parents everywhere watched as their youngsters went to school for the first time on Monday.

But for one family, it was the first day for not one, but three children.

Ann and Alan Evans held back tears as their triplets Jo, Jade and Bobbi waited in the playground together for lessons to begin.

The girls, aged four years and two months, were identically dressed in the navy and white uniform of Chislet Primary School for their first day.

Mrs Evans, of Downs Park, Herne Bay, said: "They were all quite happy. We didn't have any tears and we left them in the playground together until the whistle went.

"I had a tear in my eye, but I managed to hold it back. I didn't want to show them I was upset.

"Our oldest daughter Lauren, 13, was getting ready to go to Simon Langton School for Girls, and she used to go to Chislet so it was exciting for all of them."

The couple was shocked when they first found out they were expecting triplets, and worried how they would cope emotionally and financially.

Now they are a happy family and wouldn't change it for the world.

Mrs Evans said: "The triplets aren't identical, but they did look similar this morning in their school uniforms.

"They enjoyed playschool, and they will be at school for the mornings to start with. I hope they have fun.

"I've written their names in all their clothes so they don't get them muddled up.

"We are so proud of them. It's been a very emotional day."

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