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School farm students in plea to Prince Charles

TWO pupils have written to the Prince of Wales asking him for support in their efforts to keep their school farm open. Jennifer Mayes, 14, and Jessica Winner, 11, both students at Angley School, Cranbrook, have written separate letters to Prince Charles after learning of the threat of closure hanging over the school farm because of financial difficulties.

A meeting of school governors on Wednesday, September 26, is likely to decide the farm's fate.

After receiving the letters, the Prince's assistant private secretary, Elizabeth Buchanan, telephoned the school's head teacher, Stephanie Bedford.

Both pupils received acknowledgement of their letters from Miss Buchanan. The letter to Jessica said: "His Royal Highness was most touched by your letter and by your clear passion for the farm."

It continued: "The Prince of Wales understands how much the farm must mean to you, but I am afraid that this is a decision for your school and the Governors.

"The Prince of Wales has asked me to send you his warmest good wishes and heartfelt thanks for writing as you did."

Jessica's mother, Jackie Winner, of Blantyre House, Cranbrook, said: "Jessica wrote because obviously the Prince is into farming and she thought if anyone could help, he could, as you do when you're that age."

She added: "The fact that the Prince got his private secretary to call the school after receiving the letters shows he's got a real interest."

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