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by Emma Grove
A wallaby thought to have swum to Sheppey from the mainland died after it was hit by a motorist.
The shocked pensioner thought at first that she had hit a kangaroo and called Kent Wildlife Rescue volunteer Ray Allibone.
The accident happened as the woman, thought to be in her 60s, was driving along the Lower Road in Minster, near Sheppey Rugby Club.
Although it was alive when she phoned Mr Allibone, it had died by the time he got there.
He said he has been called out to about five hit wallabies (like the one pictured left) in his time, but this was the first call he has had to one on the Island.
He has never had a live one which he has been able to nurse back to health.
Mr Allibone, from Sheerness, says there are hundreds of different species of the animals roaming in the Kent countryside, some of which were accidentally released in the 1940s.
He says they are quite good swimmers, so it’s possible the female wallaby had come over here from the mainland or it could have travelled over the railway line.
He doubts the creature, which was about 3ft tall, would have been on the road as he says the animals are quite secretive and like a bit of cover so the roads would be too open.
Mr Allibone added: "The lady thought it was a kangaroo.
"I was quite excited because I knew it would be a wallaby but it had died by the time I got there.
"I would be interested to find out if anyone does keep them as pets but I doubt it."
Have you spotted a wallaby? Do you know where they might have come from? Join the debate below.