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Forty years ago Beatles drummer Ringo Starr walked into Baldocks clothes shop, West Malling, and bought a shirt and pair of jeans. Four decades later and store-owner Tim Baldock is still dining out on the story.
He said: “I remember it distinctly; Ringo bought a pair of brushed demin jeans with flared bottoms, size 32in waist, and a pink shirt with those rounded collars that we all had then, joined with a pin.
“The jeans cost 12s 111/2d (half) (65p) and the shirt was 19s 111/2d(half) (£1).”
Ringo made his historic shopping trip in 1967 when the Fab Four were filming the Magical Mystery Tour at West Malling Airfield – now Kings Hill.
Their visit created an enormous stir in the town at the time, and many West Malling people managed to find themselves in the crowd scenes in the film.
Their reminiscences have been recalled in a new documentary film entitled Magical Mystery Tour Memories, which is having a “cast and crew” preview on Friday night at the Holiday Inn, Wrotham, prior to its general release next Monday.
Mr Baldock, who was interviewed for the film last September, will be in the audience.