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Be they a squaddie or an officer, military personnel use a whole range of abbreviations and slang in their everyday work.
Whether they are concerned about an IED (improvised explosive device) or looking forward to a wet (a cup of tea or coffee) they never turn down a chance to use a acronym.
During my time in Afghanistan I will try to add as many terms (and their explanations) as possible from Kent troops living and working out in theatre.
For now here’s some of the official terms.
Commonly Used Army
Abbreviations And Slang Phrases
2IC -Second In Command
7p’s - Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents a Pretty Poor Performance
AFV - Armoured Fighting Vehicle
APO - Army Post Office
ARV - Armoured Recovery Vehicle
AWOL - Absent Without Leave
Blag - To acquire something
Cam - Camouflaged
Cas - Casualty
Crabs - The slang name for the RAF
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
FOB - Forward Operating Base
GDP- General Defence Plan
GOC- General Officer Commanding
GPMG - General Purpose Machine Gun
GPS - Global Positioning System
Greenfly - The nickname of the British Army Intelligence Corps
Grunt - Slang Word For An Infantryman
Hack It - To endure or to do something
HE - High Explosive
HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank
Hurry Up And Wait - The phrase used to describe the long waits in army life.
Jack - To Be Selfish
Jacked - To Give Up
Jankers - Be on a charge or in the camp jail
JFHQ - Joint Forces Headquarters
JHQ - Joint Headquarters
L of C - Lines of Communications
MOD - Ministry of Defence
NOK - Next of Kin
NTR - Nothing To Report
Nugget - A polite way of calling someone an idiot.
POETS Day - Push Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday
POW - Prisoner of War
Scran or Scoff - Food
SLR - Self Loading Rifle
TOT - Time On Target
VCP - Vehicle Check Point
Medal And Award Abbreviations
ARRC - Associate Royal Red Cross
DCM - Distinguished Conduct Medal
DSO - Distinguished Service Order
MC - Military Cross
MM - Military Medal
OStJ - Officer of the Order of St John
QHNS - Queen’s Honorary Nursing Sister Nurse
QHN - Queen’s Honorary Nurse (Usually applied to male nurses)
QVJI - Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Institute
RRC - Royal Red Cross
VC - Victoria Cross
Rank Abbreviations
OR - Other Rank
Pte - Private
LCpl - Lance Corporal
Cpl - Corporal
Sgt - Sergeant
WO - Warrant Officer
CSM - Company Sergeant Major
CQMS - Company Quartermaster Master Sergeant
QMG - Quartermaster General
QMS - Quartermaster Sergeant
RSM - Regimental Sergeant Major
OC - Officer Commanding or Officer Cadet
LT - Lieutenant
Col - Colonel
GOC - General Officer Commanding
NCO - Non Commissioned Officer