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A Margate woman has praised firefighters for fitting a smoke alarm that saved her life.
Kim Conway escaped shaken but unhurt on Wednesday from a serious fire in her home after the alarm – recently fitted by Margate firefighters – alerted her to the blaze caused by a chip pan.
Thanet and Margate crews were called to the Grosvenor Place flat at 15.25pm to deal with the kitchen fire. The smoke alarm had sounded and allowed Kim - who had fallen asleep - precious minutes to vacate her home. Luckily she had closed the door to her kitchen, which prevented the fire from spreading beyond the kitchen itself.
Kim said: “Before Christmas I saw Margate firefighters in the town centre promoting home safety visits and the fitting of free smoke alarms. I arranged an appointment and they came to the house and fitted the alarm – and it has literally just saved my life. I cannot thank Kent Fire and Rescue Service enough and would advise everyone to take up their offer and have these small devices fitted in their homes – they are absolutely invaluable.”
The smoke alarm was fitted as part of Kent Fire and Rescue Service’s free home safety service, a 30-minute visit during which firefighters give invaluable safety advice and fit, where necessary, smoke alarms free of charge.
In charge of the incident was Watch Manager Steve Flint. He said: “There is no doubt this smoke alarm saved Kim’s life because it gave her the chance to escape the property. We cannot impress upon people enough that it is vital, as this incident has shown, that you fit and maintain smoke alarms to protect you and your family from the threat of fire.”
For more information on the importance of smoke alarms and general fire safety advice, log onto To book a home safety visit call KFRS’s free number 0800 923 7000, or contact your nearest fire station.