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Unusual squatters baffle Sonia

KENT Messenger village correspondent, Sonia Bailey, is seeking advice after newts made their home in her porch.

Sonia, from Borough Green, has had to erect a sign warning visitors to watch where they are standing. Several of the little creatures have been squashed after being trodden on.

Quite why the newts have decided to camp out in her porch is a mystery.

"It's a very old house and I wonder if there is occasionally a slightly damp area somewhere under the floor when it rains, which could explain where they have come from or at least why they like it in the porch," she said.

"I just don't know what to do about them and need some advice. There must be some kind of authority on newts in Kent and I'm hoping they can tell me the best thing to do.

"I don't know whether to move them or to leave them where they are, so I just need a little guidance."

Anyone who can help Sonia should contact her on 07970 074105.

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