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Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, has announced an eight week consultation process to introduce a pay review body for police officers.
This would replace the Police Negotiating Board that has been in place for the last 28 years and which recognises the restrictions placed upon officers and their unique status within society.
The PNB recommended of 2.325% for the 2008/09 pay settlement for police officers
Ian Pointon, Chairman of Kent Police Federation said, “Having read her ministerial statement, the Home Secretary has shown herself to be petty, vindictive and unworthy of the high office she holds. It is clear to all that because we haven’t done her bidding over a multi-year pay deal she is going to impose a pay review body.
“Do not be fooled into believing there is going to be 8 weeks of meaningful consultation; this is a done deal. The Home Secretary’s proposals are a direct lift of Sir Clive Booth’s recommendations of December 2007.
"This is an unwelcome distraction for police officers; instead of fighting crime they’re fighting for fair pay, a fight they have to conduct with both hands tied behind their backs.
"Pay review bodies do not provide good employee/employer working relations – ask any teacher, nurse or prison officer. It is clear this is yet another attempt to short change police officers.
"Last year the Home Secretary cheated officers out of their pay rise and she appears to have learned nothing from the storm that followed.”
“Jacqui Smith is intent on taking advantage of police officers’ inability to take any form of industrial action and that is reprehensible especially from a Labour Home Secretary.
Her actions only serve to increase the calls from officers to be allowed to take industrial action. It is time for her to go and be replaced with someone who can start to rebuild the bridges with the police service.”