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Woman admits having sex with schoolboys in public

Samantha Armstrong, of Gravesend, who had sex with three boys.
Samantha Armstrong, of Gravesend, who had sex with three boys.

Exclusive by Rachel Hovenden


A young woman who was spotted having sex with three teenage boys by passengers on a passing train says she was pressured into doing it.

Samantha Armstrong , 21, of St George’s Crescent, Gravesend, was given a three-year community order after admitting outraging public decency and possession of cannabis resin.

The court heard she had sex with the trio – aged 14 and 15 - in full view of others.

Speaking after the case, Armstrong said she felt pressured by the boys to have sex.

She denied she approached them and asked if they wanted to have sexual relations with her.

She even took photos the following night showing the bruising she suffered during the incident. She says she was a willing participant but they were rough with her.

Armstrong left school at 11, having attended Fleetdown Primary School, Stone Primary School and finally The Leigh City Technology College (now Leigh Technology Academy).

She said: “I went up there to go and get some green [cannabis] and I was waiting around for my friends to turn up.

“Then these boys got off the train. There were four of them at the time.
“They were asking me if knew if there was anywhere to go out, to a quiet place for a smoke.
“I said I didn’t, so we started walking about a bit.

“But there was too many people, so we went down to this industrial estate near the station.”

It was then that the boys began asking her to perform sexual acts on them.
She said that she gave them her number and arranged to meet them the next day.

She added that she did not know they were underage, as they wore hoodies that covered their school uniform.

Armstrong, who has been on anti-depressants since the court case began last week, added: “They didn’t want to wait. They said 'let’s just have it here’.

“I did feel pressured into it. I said I don’t want to get arrested but they said it was fine.
“I didn’t know we could be seen.”

But she added that she would do it again.
She said: “I don’t always go and do that. Maybe if there was just one, and we arranged it.”

Armstrong’s mother, Jayne Bradley , 47, a sales assistant, has contacted various agencies to try to help her daughter get off cannabis.
She said: “She has been let down from the moment she was born.

“The hospital didn’t pick up she had hearing problems, the school didn’t delve further into why she was misbehaving.
“Because of this she got behind at school and ended up dropping out.
“I think she is autistic. She’s vulnerable.”

Armstrong added that if she was given a prison sentence, it might help her to stop taking cannabis.

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