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Fresh twist in Margate stadium saga

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 00:00, 24 October 2003

JIM PARMENTER: "We now have to work up a programme which begins with a new project appraisal"

WORK may restart in a few weeks on the £8 million Margate Football Club redevelopment if a series of deadlines imposed by Thanet council are met.

It is the latest twist in the long running saga that saw the main contractors withdrawn from the Hartsdown Road stadium after the club said development funding from the Stadia Group was not available.

Meanwhile, North Thanet MP Roger Gale is seeking an urgent meeting with the chairman of the Conference league and council representatives to discuss the league's December deadline on the side returning to Hartsdown Park.

A list of recommendations have been put forward by the council to enable the ambitious scheme to move forward.


These include: the developers must provide a detailed project plan, acceptable to the council, by October 31; the legal agreement associated with the outline application for the commercial development be completed, the outline permission be issued and a detailed application for the commercial development be submitted, all by the end of November; a satisfactory business plan be submitted to the council within 30 days of all planning consents being awarded.

Council chief executive Richard Samuel said: "We are doing all we can to ensure the club's long term future and following their decision this week to break off their relationship with Stadia, we are giving the club an opportunity to put together a deal to take this project forward.

"However, we are a public body and accountable to our taxpayers and we cannot allow work to start at Hartsdown Park immediately, as we are still awaiting crucial information about the project and its future.

“Having requested a project plan six weeks ago, we have yet to receive one and without this, we cannot assess the long term viability of the scheme. As a result, we have set these target dates for the information we require.

“Building work cannot start on this project until all the conditions agreed are met and it is also vital that the council continues to take into account the views of local people. The future of this scheme is now in the hands of Margate Football Club."

Margate FC chairman Jim Parmenter said “ We now understand fully what was not put in place by Stadia Management and needs to be in place before the project can start.


“We now have to work up a programme, which begins with a new project appraisal. Detailed plans have to be submitted for the commercial phase of the development, in addition we also have to provide a detailed business plan not only for the council but also the funding bank.

“The council has expressed the will to work with the club to bring the project to fruition, and it is now incumbent upon us to provide what the council requires. Having provided all of the information it will be up to the council to ensure that there are no further delays. I am confident that by working together we can now bring this project to realisation”.

The club say that Conference board chief executive John Moules contacted Mr Parmenter to offer his help and support for the Margate FC.

As Margate has an approved ground share at Dover until December, the Conference do not have to intervene at this point and for the moment it is “ business as usual” say the club.

Mr Parmenter commented: “ I am grateful for the offer of support and we have to work hard between now and December with the council to put plans in place that the Conference will be able to support”.

Meanwhile, Thanet council Labour group leader Cllr Richard Nicholson has echoed earlier calls in Isle of Thanet Extra for a full public meeting to discuss the project.

In September club shareholder and supporter Roy Ovenden - former chairman of Thanet United that played at Hartsdown stadium in the mid 1980s before Margate FC was reformed - demanded that fans had the chance to quiz all parties over the state of their club.

Cllr Nicholson said: “Many statements are being made by all sides in this saga and the football fans and residents around Hartsdown Park are left wondering what is going on.

“Everyone deserves to know the facts in this matter, especially those supporters who have followed the club through both the good and bad times. From reports it seems the very existence of the club is in jeopardy but with good will from all concerned I am sure a positive outcome for all can be achieved.

“The most important thing is for Margate to get back at Hartsdown, get the pitch relaid and get the side back. If they have lost all their funding, without the council backing the situation is desperate and we could see the end of Margate FC.

“Without the council onside it be more difficult for the club to raise funding than if the council is backing it.

“It is not any one sides fault - it is a combination of circumstances and we need to sit down and do some plain speaking openly to resolve differences and move the club forward.”

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