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Hess to study Edge tackle on video

GILLINGHAM will decide today whether or not to appeal against Roland Edge's dismissal at West Bromwich Albion on Monday after viewing video evidence.

Contrary to reports elsewhere, no appeal has been lodged and a decision will be taken after player-manager Andy Hessenthaler, assistant manager Richard Hill and coach Wayne Jones have taken a long, hard look at the video.

Only then will the club decide whether to pay the £600 deposit that must now accompany all appeals.

Edge was dimissed for the first time in his professional career for serious foul play following a 71st minute challenge on Albion substitute Adam Chambers.

Jones reiterated Gillingham's stance when he insisted: "It wasn't a bad tackle. They were just two eager, young lads going in together and colliding.

"We still feel that way but until we see the video evidence we cannot make a decision."

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