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London Broncos staying put in South

THE Super League clubs have unanimously agreed that they would object to any proposal to transfer London Broncos' membership of Super League to Leigh Centurions RLFC or any other northern based club.

Rumours were abound that the South's only Super League side were to move North.

But following a meeting in Huddersfield, the 12 current Super League members unanimously agreed that any such move would be a setback to the game's expansion

Super League (Europe) Limited Spokesman Andrew Whitelam said: "The other member clubs feel it is very important that the London Broncos continue as a Super League club in the capital and they stressed their support for London's continued efforts to achieve that."

Steve Cooper, press spokesman of the London Broncos Internet Forum II, said: "London Broncos have always tried to bring professional Rugby League out of the heartland's of this sport and into the capital city and have gained great support for the game around the South of England.

"As the owners of this club Virgin should be applauded for the financial and moral commitment they have shown to the club in these past four years.

"However, the club has suffered greatly from its nomadic existence which has made it almost impossible to build from a solid base of local community.

"There exists a committed base of around 2,000 London fans who are prepared to stand up and fight for the future of this club and this game outside of the heartlands of Rugby League in the Roses counties.

"We will be having meetings soon to prepare an initiative whereby we the supporters can take more of an active role in the running and survival of this club.

"This initiative will take the form of financial support as well as moral. We will be calling upon support from supporters' trusts, companies and individuals.

"We have the support of Rugby League fans across the country at this time and the backing of the supporters association, the RLSA."

Mr Cooper also called on the Broncos' landlords, Charlton Athletic Football Club, to become more involved in the running of the club and use their resources to enable the club's survival.

He added: "Rugby League will not die if LBRLFC no longer exists, but it will have put the cause of expansion back 25 years."

There will be a meeting in Floyds Bar at The Valley at 3. 30pm ahead of the final home league against Halifax on Saturday which kicks off at 6pm.

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