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GILLINGHAM FC chairman Paul Scally has warned that all future correspondence from the Gills Independent Supporters’ Club will be shredded.
His decision effectively severs links between the football club and members of the Supporters' Club who have been campaigning to have the ban lifted on former chairman Alan Liptrott.
At the Supporters' Club annual meeting, official Mark Agate made public correspondence received from Mr Scally. He had had written to him disclosing that committee members had been approached by interested parties on hearing that the chairman was considering selling up at the end of last season.
The interested parties had asked for copies of accounts for the last five years and his valuation of the club. The Supporters’ Club offered to act as an intermediary.
In the same letter, Mr Agate said the Supporters’ Club regretted the fact that they remained outlawed by the parent club.
Mr Scally replied: “Please note once and for all I have no wish, nor intention, of having any dealings with yourself or your committee members for as long as you represent the Gillingham Independent Supporters Group.
“Nor whilst you are involved with the committee of that group or have any dealings with the Association itself. I made this point very clear at my meetings of your members on May 9.
“I therefore suggest you stop wasting your time, and more importantly my time, by corresponding on any issues or matters relating to either parties.
“Any further correspondence received from yourself will not be acknowledged and will be placed through my shredder.
“I hope this makes matters crystal clear and I hope you now realise I will waste no further energy on your group as it stands at present, but will devote all my time to the much more important matter of taking this Football Club forward for the benefit of all true supporters.”
Mr Agate said that the Supporters’ Club had sought to find national mediators in an attempt to have the ban on Alan Liptrott lifted and thanked member Ken Venison for his personal pleas to the Gills chairman.
In his report, vice-chairman Mike Keskeys said he regretted the breakdown in communication with the football club and called for a “vibrant, active and democratic supporters' club," to be a watchdog over Gillingham FC.