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Jake Hill didn’t lack speed at Croft last weekend - but luck wasn’t on his side as he lost the lead in the race for the BTCC title.
A council has become the first in the county to pledge to make a positive change to help nature in every policy decision impacting the natural world.
Dennis McCann’s a European champion after winning his rematch against Ionut Baluta on Saturday night – but there’s much more to come.
Kent rower Emily Craig was so relaxed in the heats of the Olympics that she let her thoughts stray to her lunch.
The landlord and lady of a popular village pub are celebrating 30 years at the helm this weekend.
A town’s annual river festival is in full swing with more than 85 boats on show.
Traffic heading in and out of a town has faced disruption after a major route was shut.
KentOnline takes a sneak peek at the progress of a pool’s £2.5m revamp.
A dance teacher who has taught thousands of students and celebrities is closing her studio and retiring.
A forward who started his career at Queens Park Rangers has agreed terms at Maidstone for the new season after a trial period with the club.
Fireworks are predicted when Dennis McCann and Ionut Baluta meet again this Saturday – with a war of words before their European title fight.
Organisers of an annual music event have applied for a licence to host events all year round.
Catch up with the opening-day details from the Southern Counties East League Premier Division here.
A grandmother has been left with no bathroom for four months due to ongoing delays after a flood forced her to move out.
Championship leader Jake Hill resumes his BTCC title bid this weekend at a circuit were the omens for more success are good.
A former job centre has sold at auction for well above its guide price.
A new council administration has reversed the decision of its predecessor and will oppose a large-scale quarry extension.
A former policeman has designed an app to help people speak up against wrong-doing.
Police are appealing for help to find a missing woman, who has not been seen since yesterday.
There are fears children could be put at risk as drivers mount pavements and drive the wrong way down a one-way street to get past a road closure.