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New images show plans to build slides and water cannons for a splash pad at a popular swimming centre.
A 55-year-old accused of murdering a pub landlord has told a court she was scared he might hurt her teenage daughter.
Tickets have gone on sale for Maidstone’s National League South play-off eliminator.
No one has done more than Sam Corne to get Maidstone into the National League South play-offs.
Ditton’s Barry Hawkins is back at the Crucible and as hungry as ever for World Championship success.
A late winner ensured Maidstone United triumphed over 10-man Dartford on Sunday.
A new business fitted only one exhaust on its first day, but 50 years later business is great.
Maidstone boxer Sam Noakes is the new European lightweight champion - taking his tally of belts to five.
Maidstone go into the National League South play-offs in great shape after thrashing Hampton & Richmond.
A Christmas tree farmer is appealing against a ratings valuation he says could put him out of business and cost his staff their jobs.
A serial fraudster who took cocaine into a jail hidden in a crisp packet says she had been made to fear for her life.
Maidstone have finished fourth in National League South after thumping Hampton & Richmond.
An able-bodied dad aims to complete the London Marathon in a wheelchair after being inspired by his three-year-old daughter who is disabled.
A woman has been arrested after reportedly being drunk in charge of a child in a town centre.
A man has been arrested on suspicion of drink driving after a van was found blocking the railway line.
Sam Noakes is looking for a statement victory when he fights for the vacant European title tonight.
Armed police swooped on a residential street and made arrests after understanding weaponry could be held at the property.
A man was taken to hospital following a crash which closed part of a motorway.
A disabled man who is on a council register of people who need extra assistance has spoken out after his bin went unemptied for weeks.
A thief who was chased after robbing a petrol station was found surrounded by a trail of evidence - including eye holes cut out of a balaclava.
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