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Larkfield & New Hythe and Whitstable Town both booked their place in the last four of the Kent Senior Trophy on Saturday.
Mo Faal scored on his debut but 10-man Maidstone were beaten at Slough and have lost Raphe Brown for the Ipswich game.
Hundreds of football fans braved the cold to get their hands on tickets for the Stones’ fourth-round FA Cup trip to Championship side Ipswich Town.
The 264th and final Park Wood junior parkrun took place on Sunday - as organisers prepare to move to a new venue in Maidstone.
A woman accused of the murder of a pub landlord has appeared in court and is to go on trial later this year.
A former Victorian village school is for sale with planning permission for three homes.
Changes to a motorway junction are included in a new consultation on a borough’s long-term planning blueprint for what can be built and where.
A proposal to convert a house in a residential area into a home for children in care has been rejected.
Lamar Reynolds says Maidstone’s FA Cup run is the cherry on the cake following his summer transfer.
An Indian restaurant in a town centre is undergoing a deep clean after a hygiene inspector found cockroaches.
Catch up with this week’s football fixtures and results here.
A major youth weightlifting competition is coming to the county town next month.
Businesses, charities and community groups working with children and families can claim a slice of a near £250,000 fund in grants.
If you are worried about a family member or friend, or think you may be dependent on drugs or alcohol, support could be just one phone call away.
Firefighters were required after a chimney blaze spread to the surrounding hearth at a high street pub.
Emergency services were called to an accident involving two cars in a town centre.
Season ticket holders took no chances as they waited to book their seat to see Maidstone United play in the fourth round of the FA Cup.
Residents have hit out at plans for a new salon in a town centre, saying it is already ‘overwhelmed’ with similar businesses.
A former alcoholic has praised a treatment centre’s new programme which aims to support addicts long after they’ve left rehab.
A town centre M&S branch that has been empty for two years is set to be taken over.